.. _nhmc.charts: ########### nhmc.charts ########### This package just contains placeholder objects to be used with the Highcharts_ charting library. Various charts in the Map Center can use these names for consistency with other modules. Each of these objects should be either ``null`` or an instance of ``Highcharts.Chart``, which is further documented `on the Highcharts site`_. .. _Highcharts: http://www.highcharts.com/ .. _on the Highcharts site: http://www.highcharts.com/ref/#chart-object ************* Chart objects ************* .. _nhmc.charts.mainChart: nhmc.charts.mainChart ===================== *Object (instance of Highcharts.Chart) or null* The ``nhmc.charts.mainChart`` object is not currently used. It used to be in place to support an alternative chart view that could be shown instead of a map in particular cases (see :ref:`a longer explanation ` with ``nhmc.mapCenterInit``), but this isn't currently done. .. _nhmc.charts.lowerChart: nhmc.charts.lowerChart ====================== *Object (instance of Highcharts.Chart) or null* The ``nhmc.charts.lowerChart`` object is used for supplemental charts that don't need to be as large as the map itself. Right now this is used in one place: at the bottom of the sidebar in the :ref:`Electoral College calculator ` to show how many electoral votes each candidate has in a given scenario.