.. _signals: ################ Signal reference ################ Signals are implemented as jQuery `custom event types`_ triggered (and handled) on the ``document`` object. For example, firing the drawingComplete_ signal is accomplished with the following: .. code-block:: javascript $(document).trigger('drawingComplete'); .. _custom event types: http://api.jquery.com/bind/ .. _signals-coreInitialized: *************** coreInitialized *************** This signal fires from :ref:`nhmc.mapCenterInit` when the Map Center core is fully initialized and the first (default) map view has finished being drawn. .. _signals-drawingComplete: *************** drawingComplete *************** This signal fires any time a map view has finished being drawn. .. _signals-mapDataRetrieved: **************** mapDataRetrieved **************** This signal fires whenever the :doc:`non-primary election results ` module has finished retrieving data from the server. No handlers for it currently exist, and no other modules currently fire it. .. todo:: Evaluate this signal's usefulness and decide whether to keep it (and implement it elsewhere) or remove it.